Join Vicki at Barnes & Noble Bookstore
for Talk, Discussion and Book Signing
Love Remembers – A Light Beyond Alzheimer’s By Vicki Mizel
Sunday July 17, 2022 from Noon to 2 pm
Barnes & Noble Bookstore
960 S. Colorado Blvd.
Glendale, Colorado 80246
For More Information Contact:
Vicki Mizel
917 547 8822

Talk, Discussion and Book Signing
Sunday July 17, 2022
from Noon to 2 pm
“After building a program featuring super powerful brain and recall abilities, I was brain injured when my car was struck by a big rig truck in 1999. No doctor knew what to do for me then”, Vicki Mizel said. A neuro science engineer Dr. Harold Toomin, told me I needed my own memory system to get myself well. He said, “You’re slow, go find some old people because they are slow and teach them your memory system.” That’s what I did and we all got better!
In these pages you’’ll find the stories of both Alzheimer’s and healthy brained elders sharing their wisdom and why they got Alzheimer’s. Vicki Mizel is living proof the memory methods work, recovering her own brain abilities and capabilities as well as those she taught and trained. It reads like a novel even though it’s a self help book.
The first part of the book is how Vicki first got involved with memory training with kids K -12 and in order to try to save her Uncle Bob; she started teaching seniors to see if the memory methods worked. They did! The second part of the book is the exact memory methods with pictures, the way Vicki teaches in her seminars. Included also in Part II of the book is Passion Quest – How to Recreate and Redesign Your Life Using Visual Pictures. This is Ms. Mizel’s entire body of work from years of research and practice to give you your best brain abilities possible with use and practice. She invites you to come to this reading and learn, laugh and enjoy!
Vicki holds a Bachelors degree in Speech Communication and a Master’s degree in Psychology. She also earned teaching and school counseling credentials.